Monday 21 May 2018

7 Ways of preventing your Tooth decay!!

7 Ways of preventing your Tooth decay!!

The awareness of Dental Hygiene is highly important for a healthy life. Unknown to many, the tooth has fine nerve endings, and the tooth decay is not just the problem related to the mouth, but the connection is with the whole body. As we all know that, tooth decay is the destruction of tooth enamel, and the tooth gets really spoilt, spreading the infection to another tooth. What we are not aware is, tooth decay will lead to serious troubles like the heart attack. As your tooth has minute cavities and they are the carriers of small infection which leads to major problems.

Oral Hygiene is very important, brushing regularly, flossing daily and gargling your mouth regularly will help you to have a good dental hygiene. Irrespective of the age, both old people and children suffer much out of this problem. As elders, it is our duty to protect our health and of the children.

Let us understand various methods in detail to prevent cavities:

Brush your teeth after every meal

7 Ways of preventing your Tooth decay!!

It is a common myth that brushing your teeth frequently will cause damages and corrode the enamel. It is important to understand that, it is important that the food particles are not sticking to your mouth, especially on the surface of the teeth. The acidity of the mouth increases overtime after the food consumption. This causes more damage to the teeth. It is recommended that after every meal, it is very important to gargle or brush your teeth properly.

Avoid Consumption of too much of sugars


Children love to eat sweets, either in the form of ice-creams, cool drinks. During the summer season, they will have their school summer holidays. Needless to say, they want to enjoy their holidays and consume more frequently. This increases the sugar intake in the body rapidly. Sugars are also called bacteria magnets, it clings to the teeth and makes the bacteria increase in the mouth.

Use a fluoride toothpaste

7 Ways of preventing your Tooth decay!!

The enamel of the tooth is the protective layer which prevents your tooth from getting into damage. The choice the toothpaste is very important for your hygiene. Choose a toothpaste with a correct fluoride level. This not only enhances the strength of the enamel but also makes your tooth stronger.

Choose proper brush

7 Ways of preventing your Tooth decay!!

A hard brush will spoil your tooth. Brushing regularly with hard bristles will cause irreversible damage. The brush you use should be of high quality and of soft bristles. Do not use your brush for more than two months. Prolonged usage will weaken the tensile strength of the bristles. Frequent changing of brushes is advisable.

Floss Daily

7 Ways of preventing your Tooth decay!!

It is highly essential to floss your teeth.  The process of brushing should also include the process of flossing too.  As your brushes cannot reach the cavities between the tooth, floss can be the best option to reach the places, that your brush can’t reach. Plagues, gum diseases are also similar problems because of poor

Your brushing is not complete without flossing. Floss can reach the crevices too small for your brush bristles, so it’s a necessary step for a clean mouth. Plaque builds up in these small spots between teeth and around your gum line, often resulting in tooth decay and gum disease.

Visit your doctor regularly

Only a dentist could detect and prevent you from your crucial dental problems. Detecting the problems early will help you cure it soon. Periodical doctor’s visit will help you gain a lot of health benefits.

Infections spread faster if remains untreated. Tooth sensitivity is the first indication of tooth decay. It indicates that the enamel is getting corroded slowly, the germs will become the breeding place which deepens the infection further.

Create Awareness

A child should be taught about oral hygiene. Instead of a parent always looking care of the child, it is always good that the child knows how to take care itself. The problems of tooth decay are always irreversible. Instead of treating after the decay occurs, it is inevitable to be aware of it to prevent it. For early prevention measures call 18001 02 02 88 or click the link below



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