Thursday 26 July 2018

Ask the Hygienist: What Should I Know About Receding Gums?


Have you ever felt that your gums surrounding your teeth have started to pull back, leaving very little support to your teeth? Have you felt that your tooth looks longer than usual? Then you are suffering from the Receding Gums problem. When your teeth are healthy, the gums attached to the teeth always fixes very strongly, giving them a firmer support to the gums. When your tooth has this receding gum problem, t may indicate enormous changes ranging from a change of color and pigmentation.

Gum receding is also known as Gingival Recession. It could be a serious problem if not taken proper care, as the gums surrounding the tooth begins to pull back, it leads to the gap between the tooth. This gap could be the breeding ground for the bacteria, causing more damages for the tooth. Often people connect poor brushing as one of the root cause, as brushing has the direct link with tooth aberration. People often brush too hard, which damages the healthy gums. As you use hard bristles on your gums, they are susceptible to wear and tear.

Awareness about the receding gums will always be very helpful to initially identify that you are suffering from the problem, and helps you to take the doctor’s advice at an early stage. Without proper knowledge, most of the people are not giving enough care, but at a later stage, they suffer enormously.

Sensitive teeth:

sensitive_teethAs the gums recede, the tooth becomes overexposed. As the roots are also slightly visible, it causes enormous space for the tooth to get exposed. This has a direct connectivity with the sensitivity of the tooth.

Long teeth:

long teethAs your tooth is exposed more, it appears to be longer than the usual. It is not a healthy sign, as well as it makes your face looks very different than usual.

Loose teeth:

loose-toothThe gap between the tooth increases, as the gums recede. This causes the gap between the tooth. The bacteria grow in the roots, causing them to lose its strength. The tooth loses its strength and venerable for various attacks.

Color change:

Color change

Not only your tooth changes its color, the gums and the roots of the tooth also change its color due to the exposure and infections. Pigmentation, yellowing and dark patches on the tooth are the problems, that one could have due to the problem of gum receding.

Inflamed gums:

inflammed gums

The immediate effect of the gum receding problem is the inflammation along the gums. It also causes Redness along the margins. There is a direct connection between the gums, infection, and inflammation. One thigs always leads to another, causing heavy damages overall.

There could be enormous reasons why you may suffer out of a swollen gum.

Smoking: As the hard chemicals and nicotine on the tooth make a complex pigment, it also recedes the gum lines.

Diabetes: Often, it causes higher dental issues and problems, which leads to critical problems.

Hormonal Changes: Pregnancy and puberty cause enormous changes in the hormonal levels, causing problems for the women.

Vitamin C Deficiency: Poor oral health, bleeding, and inflammation are the main causes of poor oral problems.

Medication: It is also to be noted that, when taking medicines, it has different side effects too

Maintaining your overall hygiene, and enhancing your health becomes very important. Doctor’s visit is often required to identify and eliminate problems at such an early stage. Gums receding is also an important problem which needs much of your attention, to curb bigger problems. Consult your dentist regularly, to have enhanced healthy teeth and smile.

Make an Appointment!

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