Wednesday 18 July 2018

How Stress Impacts your Oral Health!!

how-stress-impacts-oral-healthIn this digital era, one thing which is prevalent among everyone is Stress. Regardless of age, gender, socio-economic differences, everyone is succumbing greatly towards it. Stress is one of the greatest enemies of health, often takes a big toll on dental health too. When it comes to impacts on health due to Stress, there can be many things which makes a deep impact.  Stress causes gum disease, teeth grinding, cancer mouth, dry mouth and greatly impact your eating habits.

People often take very less care of themselves when they are under stress. Stress causes irritation, which leads to mood swings, and uncontrollable eating habits. When people are under stress, they tend to be awake for a longer time. This comprehensively takes the toll in the total health.

Let us in detail look at the impacts of Stress!

1. Mouth Sores:

mouth sores

People who are under stress often grind their teeth, and bite their lips, due to excessive emotional stress. This is defined by the term called Teeth grinding and/or temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD). Often they even ted to ignore the symptoms in the early stage and tend to regret much later when the problem magnifies.

2. Constant clenching of the teeth:

Constant clenching of the teeth

People with chronic stress without even realizing themselves will start to grind the teeth, that too continuously. If they proceed for a longer period, the enamel gets damaged initially, and consecutively enormous trouble stars. Sometimes, the tooth may have cracks and starts to brittle. As the control over oneself tend to decrease, it causes much larger problems.

3. Poor oral hygiene:


People often tend to neglect themselves when they are under stress. Hygiene and self-care become least important for the people under stress. As they continuously not give enough concentration, it starts to have problems pertaining to teeth, gums, ulcers in the mouth, mild infections. If they are sorted in the nascent stages, the damages will be very less.

4. Poor diet/nutrition:

poor dietDiet has a direct impact on dental health, as the tooth to be stronger, it constantly needs calcium minerals, vitamins to have a good health. When people are not taking enough calories, and a balanced diet, the adequate nutrition that the body requires will not be available. This may seem like a smaller problem initially, but over a period of time, if this case persists, this will develop as a root cause of bigger problems.

5. Gum disease:

gum-diseaseWhen the immunity system is very low, the overall health will decline. If there is already a dental problem, it will intensify when left uncared. Little germs or infection in the oral system will topple the balance of the tooth, often causing more problems.

6. Dry mouth:

Dry mouthStress causes a lack of saliva, leading to dryness of the mouth. When the mouth is dry, it certainly indicates that your health is under check. Saliva is very important, as it maintains the PH of the mouth, helps you to chew the food.   Saliva in your mouth has many oral health benefits, including washing away food particles from your teeth and gums. Saliva also helps in digestion. Maintaining a good oral hygiene even under stress is very important.

 How can you deal with stress?

Caution and awareness are initially very important. It is always important to take the help of a doctor, as it will alleviate your stress and pain. We can also follow the steps below, to maintain a good health.

Find relaxing techniques to help manage your stress, and help you relax.

Regular doctor’s visits and checkups, to maintain good health and composure.

Physical exercise and sweating are the best medicine for stress and help you to gain your momentum.

Get adequate sleep, as a good sleep will help you to balance your stress levels.

Eat a healthy and manage a complete balanced diet.

Engage in a routine that would help you not only to stay balanced but also to keep your mind happy and ready to accept any challenges, this era throws us. Your doctor will be your best partner to maintain a good health. Do not delay until the problem magnifies, call immediately 18001 02 02 88 to curb the problems soon or book your appointment to solve your dental issue




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